If you have any doubts, you can ask us to inform you about tax advice for your imports or exports of goods, to carry out the development of the economic activity of a company.

The main function of customs since the dawn of time is to control goods entering a certain country to ensure that no legal fraud occurs, i.e. all fees and taxes corresponding to entry in the country of these goods.

There are three types of customs:

Land Customs:

Land customs, as well as maritime customs, account for the most movements due to the large amount of goods transported by these routes.

These are located in areas that limit exit from one country and entry to another and are responsible for controlling the documents attached to goods and objects transported by means of transport.

Maritime Customs:

Maritime customs are those that record the largest movement of goods, since it is the means of transport most used for this task.

They are located quite far from each other and generally control all types of heavy or bulky goods, which they are responsible for examining with the documents that accompany them when entering and leaving the country.

Air Customs:

Air customs are located at major international airports and record the highest number of individual transits.

Goods intended for import or export are also received at these customs offices, which are examined by both the customs offices of entry and destination.

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Why do we ask to do a zoom meeting?

At RODAHMAR we use the "zoom" application, as a videoconferencing solution focused on the business environment, and as it is an online collaboration, results can be improved, minimizing risks associated with COVID - 19 and reducing physical visits.

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